Living out our Baptism: Proclaiming Transformation Day by Day

'Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?'

This particular baptismal promise is about sharing the transforming influence of the Good News of Christ in our own lives. The decision to be baptized or to seek baptism for one's children often comes from a sense that God has done something important and good in our lives.

The word Gospel means Good News and it is in these books of the Bible that we hear the stories of how Jesus Christ is the transforming power of God in the world. From his incarnation and birth among the poor, to his ministry of healing and renewal, to his death and resurrection; the stories of Jesus are about something new happening in the world, something good.

The Church believes that this Good News has the power to change the world and that Jesus has called us to be the embodiment of that change. As the Body of Christ, we continue to show those around us the healing, love and justice that Jesus did. Thus by the example of our lives, others will come to know the transformation that we have experienced through Christ.

There are many ways to proclaim this Good News and its transforming power in our lives. The decisions and choices that we make, the way we relate to others, the things that we value, all have the potential to proclaim this Good News. In baptism we promise that our words and our lives will both be a proclamation of God in Christ.

Here is just a brief list of what this might look like in your daily life: praise God in good times and bad; honour your elders; welcome the stranger; open doors for people; say what you believe; put a stop to bullying; invite a co-worker to Church; buy less and give more; thank your parents for raising you; encourage your kids to take over the church often and loudly; include the outsider; volunteer your time; tell the truth; visit a friend in the hospital; read and share God's word.

These are things that we do everyday that can change the world - they may also have been things done for us that changed our world and our hearts. Baptism is a moment to celebrate that we have been changed; we are born again of water and the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God who continues to support and accompany us as we live out this baptismal promise. In the Gospel, Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit as an Advocate and Comforter so that we would not be left alone or abandoned.

At baptism, we have been promised the constant support and accompaniment of the Holy Spirit through whose power we are able to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.

Next post we will look at our promise to " and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbour as yourself?"